Mehmet Çubuk,土耳其伊斯坦布尔的开发者
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Mehmet Çubuk

Verified Expert  in Engineering


Istanbul, Turkey
October 30, 2016

Mehmet is a full-stack developer with several years of experience developing apps using Java and JavaScript. He has built many products and platforms as a full-stack engineer and led many teams on successful products. He also has plenty of experience working with frameworks and technologies such as Node.. js、AngularJS、React、React Native、MongoDB和Redis. 穆罕默德总是追随新技术和开发技术.




WebStorm, Git, Ubuntu

The most amazing... I've developed was InsightRadar; I saved & processed 10 million tweets per day and applied ML techniques to find influential users in a particular sector.

Work Experience


2020 - PRESENT
  • 开发项目度量模块, which is the main module merchandise planners plan their sale plan at the item level.
  • 开发核心功能,如生成库存, 收据代, 不同算法的预测, 分配模块. 使用SOAP API实现了最初的NetSuite集成.
  • Led the back-end development and set the development standard by having close to 100% code coverage. 采用的测试构建器右边更容易访问集成测试.
  • Adopted trunk-based development, which led to having multiple releases per day.
技术:节点.. js、Azure、MySQL、GraphQL


2019 - 2020
  • Developed many integrations to data sources for importing port calls using an event-based architecture with Kafka.
  • Worked on UI of a complex schedule tool to show port calls with a good UX to system users.
  • Added automated tests to verify the data import process using Jest and test builders.
技术:PostgreSQL, React, Node.js, TypeScript


2019 - 2019 (via Toptal)
  • 参与发布主网站的新设计.
  • 为网站成员实现了端到端图像上传功能.
  • 执行响应式设计修复.
  • 实现了cookie同意特性.
  • Researched which WYSIWYG editor to use and selected Slate with the consent of the team.
技术:节点.js, React


2017 - 2019
  • Led the team that automated the invoice process for hosts and improving the finance data process.
  • Developed the reservation and payment flow on API for the tributeportfoliohomes.作为万豪合作伙伴关系的一部分.
  • 领导渠道管理器集成到存储预订, payments, 可用性的记录, and more.
  • Implemented history logs for storing all the database changes on MySQL using binary logs and AWS Kinesis.
  • 实现了使用Redis发送定时通知.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon Kinesis, Docker, Kubernetes, React, MySQL, Node.js


2018 - 2018
Swish Video
  • Led a team of three to release a curated video player using React Native and Node.Js作为技术栈.
  • Implemented an animation-heavy video player using YouTube video players; implemented a swipe feature where you can move on to the next video. It was quite a challenge thanks to YouTube's restrictions that ensured ads were displayed.
  • 使用Node安装RESTful API.. js和MongoDB作为数据层.
  • Implemented the leader-board logic to improve social engagement of users on the platform.
  • 在移动应用程序中添加了推送通知服务.
技术:MongoDB, Node.js, React Native

React Native Mobile Developer | Node后端开发者

2016 - 2017
  • Developed an Android application for the operation team using React Native to smooth their daily operations throughout the day. Released the app in the Play Store for production and used the Hockey app for development releases.
  • 使用Mocha, Chai, Sinon和Jest为移动应用程序创建测试框架. 集成谷歌分析和bug.
  • Proposed the modular domain-based folder structure of the back-end API the team adapted; also wrote sample domain modules.
  • Created a testing framework for the back-end which clears the test database and runs automated tests for crud endpoints. 用摩卡、印度茶和西侬咖啡.
  • Wrote some of the endpoints for the rest of the system using Epilogue and Sequelize with MySQL.
技术:节点.js, React Native

Back-end Node.js Developer

2016 - 2016
  • 实现了从第三方API检索在线游戏结果.
  • Invalidated the cache after new deployment of front-end using Webpack's chunk-hash feature.
  • 将OfferWall API集成到系统中,向用户分发金币.
  • 改进了后端和前端项目的部署流程.
  • 修复了后端和前端的几个bug.
技术:React, Node.js


2014 - 2015
  • Converted an in-house panel to AngularJS by adding many new features that eased the work of the call center. Also implemented a dashboard and a live map where it is possible to see the number of calls and rides; enabled it to create a fast drill-down analysis on many metrics by storing the data as a state machine.
  • Implemented a DSL for creating automated campaigns for users and loyalty program for taxi drivers using Node.MongoDB和AngularJS.
  • Refactored the back end of the application to make it easier for developers to work together by modularizing the services and writing unit and integration tests with Mocha.
  • 实现Twilio的后端部分,用于VOIP支持.
  • Integrated the payment system of BKM to our app by using their SOAP API; implemented the EasySoap library of Node to ease the integration.
技术:AngularJS, Redis, MongoDB, Node.js


2011 - 2014
saftai | InsightRadar
  • Used the Twitter API and Java for saving all the Turkish tweets (approximately more than 10 million tweets per day in that time) to MongoDB.
  • 使用机器学习算法找到关于某个主题的有影响力的用户. Stored n-grams in Redis to decide sentiment of a tweet by splitting it into n-grams.
  • 使用JSF为客户端开发了一个面板来分析tweet, digital news, 以及在Facebook上发布他们追踪的关键词.
  • Implemented a social media rating platform called Somera for calculating ratings of TV shows using AngularJS and JSF with Java.
技术:Angular, Redis, MongoDB, JSF, Java


2010 - 2011
  • Implemented a courier tracking system for Finansbank and wrote many T-SQL stored procedures for creating campaigns.
  • Upgraded, with a team, the MS SQL servers to a newer version for Credit Europe Moscow (Russian bank).
  • Fixed bugs related to a credit card application (Halkbankası and Ziraat Bankası).
技术:Visual Basic, Microsoft SQL Server, .NET


2009 - 2009
  • Developed a recommendation engine for online hotel reservation sites using Adversitement's web analytics tool.
  • 修复了内部使用产品的bug.
技术:Java, JavaScript

视频播放器与控制器使用React Native

一个在Android上用视频控制器播放视频的示例项目. The progress bar of the video is implemented using an animated view and pan handlers. Use Github.www.brentvatne/react-nativevideo包播放视频.


Reztoran是一个类似于Opentable的餐厅预订网站.com. 我参与了这个Angular项目.

用于Logentries的React Native Android库
一个React Native库,用于使用Logentries的Android库.


ECMAScript (ES6), JavaScript, SQL, Java, TypeScript, Visual Basic, c#, GraphQL


Jest, Redux, React Native, AngularJS, MJML, JUnit, Akka, .. NET、JSF、Angular


Node.js, Chai, Highcharts, React, Twitter API


Sequelize, Webpack, Mocha, Git, GitHub, GitLab, WebStorm, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)




Linux, Heroku, Apache Kafka, Amazon EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Docker, Ubuntu, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Kubernetes, Android, Azure


PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Microsoft SQL Server, MSSQLCE


Web应用部署,代码审查,团队领导,Amazon Kinesis

2007 - 2009

Master's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (Thesis on Recommendation Engines)

埃因霍温技术大学(TU/E) -埃因霍温,荷兰

2003 - 2007





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